If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
The practice welcomes suggestions regarding the running of the practice. If you have any comment to make about our service to you please do so in writing to our practice manager Mrs. Clare Jackson at the surgery address. The practice takes any complaints very seriously. As a practice we would hope that any complaints would be solved within the confines of the practice. We aim to respond to any written complaint, with an initial acknowledgement letter or telephone call, within three working days. Then following an investigation of the complaint a full written reply within fourteen working days. It is hoped that this would bring a full resolution to the complaint, but we welcome further dialogue, either with a meeting or by correspondence, if required. If however you are not fully satisfied at this stage you can contact:
For all private treatment complaints
Dental Complaints Service
Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Phone: 08456 120540
Email: info@dentalcomplaints.org.uk
For all NHS treatment complaints
Patient Advice Liaison Service
Royal Derby Hospital
Uttoxeter Road
DE22 3NE
Phone: 01332 340131
NHS (England) complaints
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
Phone: 0300 311 22 33
Email: england.contactus@nhs.net
At The Melbourne Dental Practice we do all we can to respect your right to privacy and the protection of your personal information
From the 25th May 2018 there's a big change happening to privacy laws in the UK.
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives individuals more control over how their personal information is used and makes it quicker and easier for them to check and update the information we hold.
The information we use and where we get it from. We collect information like your name, contact details and information about your general health and, of course, your dental health. This information will have been provided by yourself, or created on your behalf through your dental treatment.
We make sure that we process, store and share your data safely and securely. Also, any third parties that do receive your information will be just as careful.
The third parties that we may have to share your information with are; other dentists at the practice and our team, your General Medical Doctor, the NHS Business Service Authority, any secondary care health provider (such as the local hospital), other dental practices to which you have been referred, plus other organizations as required.
We are permitted by law to hold such information because processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services on the basis of Union or Member State law or pursuant to contract with a health professional.
(REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Article 9 (2)(h)).
Your rights. You have a number of legal rights to control what we do with your information. For example, you can ask us to tell you what information we have about you and get a copy of it; correct or update information that is wrong; stop using your information in certain circumstances. Please note that in some cases, asking us to do this may mean that we are no longer able to provide you with dental services.
We use the contact details you have provided to us to send you information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your dental health and your appointments, including email, text, phone and post.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the data controller at the practice, or telling us verbally. Please note that in some cases, asking us to do this may mean that we are no longer able to provide you with dental services.
How long we keep your information. We don't keep your information for longer than we need to, which is usually 11 years from the date of your last visit, or if you are under 18years of age at that time, either 11 years or until you are 25 years old; whichever is earlier.
At Melbourne Dental Practice the data controller is Naomi Fry. They are responsible for safeguarding your information, and can be contacted at the practice.
You can complain to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) if there is any concern about how your personal information is being managed.
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, CheshireSK9 5AF
Tel 0303 123 1113
GDPR May 2018
All staff at the practice adhere to the General Dental Council (GDC) standards. There are nine principles registered dental professionals must keep to at all times.
As a GDC registrant you must:
Standards for the Dental Team applies to:
The principles are all equally important and are not listed in order of priority. They are supplemented by additional guidance documents which can be found on the General Dental Council website at www.gdc-uk.org
General Dental Council (GDC)
The General Dental Council is the organisation which regulates dental professionals in the United Kingdom. All dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians, clinical dental technicians, dental hygienists, dental therapists and orthodontic therapists must be registered with the General Dental Council to work in the UK.
British Dental Association (BDA)
The British Dental Association (BDA) is the professional association and trade union for dentists in the United Kingdom and was founded in 1880. Membership, which is voluntary, stands at around 23,000.
British Orthodontic Society (BOS)
The British Orthodontic Society is a charity which aims to
If you would like any further information or would like to speak to Melbourne Dental Practice directly about a treatment complaint, contact us today.
Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays)
8.30am until 1pm &
2pm until 5.00 pm
For emergencies outside of normal opening hours please call 111.